Discounts Month!

Besides shopping for shoes, I love toiletries shopping.

I don't know why but it feels very fun to do it.

Most of the time, I do my toiletries shopping in December.... simply because it is my hem... birthday month and I get significant discounts/privileges at Body Shop and Watsons.

We just came back from one such trip with our loot....

But being the forgetful me who often refuse to list down what I need, I have definitely forgotten quite a few things. Fret not, I have the rest of the December to shop....

And I love free gifts!

I just received SMSes from Esprit, Lee Hwa and Mini Toons about birthday discounts as well. I MUST remind myself that I do not need to make use of them , if I have no use for it....

It is just their way of making more money , right ? NO?