Oh yes...I am here to clear some cobwebs which my blog has been collecting over the past few months. It was not that I was lazy to blog ..there were times when the fingers itched to update but then , I somehow could not put down my thoughts in words ... and would then just leave it as that .

Life's been pretty alright , alhamdulillah. Shit happens in school , of course , but I never let school stuffs bother me much anymore. I have learnt to leave sch issues behind once I step out of the school gate. . I honestly think this is a skill which one can only 'master' after a few years. I still remember what a 'wreck' I was in the few initial years in the service, whereby my free time were spent mostly on lesson preps and markings etc etc ... Now I have learnt to let loose a little.

I am home now though , to finish up e EOY markings n oral gradings (pardon the irony but this one no choice ) while my parents are out Hari raya-ing. They are distributing my sis' wedding cards as well. It struck me then that my sis would be getting married in a month's time. Yeah. How would it affect me? OH well...e future BIL would be moving in with my family which means I would / should be confined to my room more often than ever. No more bermudas/ tiny tees in the house, no more lepak-ing and sprawled in front of the TV... no more markings all over the living room. I am considering getting a TV for my own room but on the other hand, the fiance has a full TV set on his own ...then when we get married ( which is not so long from now), we would have two like waste money like that....I think I will take quite some time getting used to having another new person in the house. NOt that I am not welcoming him , just that there are going to be a lot of adjustments , I supposed. I am already rather reserved as it is.

House hunting is starting . I can't wait :-p

As the year end approaches, I can't help but feel sad that Rat and Jali are leaving . I really am gonna miss them ever so much... Rat , wait for me ok...six months only....

Anyway, I ahve decided to do something to my multiply site. It is still rather plain but I guess there is where I am gonna store my photos (unless the lazy bug strikes) ....